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2016 Merit Badge College 2016 Merit Badge College


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2016 Merit Badge College

Posted on Mon, Apr 11, 2016

Information needed for this Tuesday


At Tuesdays meeting (4/12) we need to have anyone interested in signing up for this years Merit Badge College held at Camp Raven Knob to sign up. It is going to be the first weekend in May (go up on 6th at 5:30pm, home by 7:30pm on Saturday).  The cost is $7 and CRK will provide lunch on Saturday.  The adult leaders are providing breakfast on Saturday as well. 

The following classes are offered:  Astronomy, Automotive Maintainance, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Computers, Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, Fingerprinting (1/2 day), Fire safety (1/2 day), First Aid, Orienteering, Personal Management, Photography, Traffic Safety, Wilderness survival.

Please review this list and see what class you want to sign up for.  This College is a limited class size, first come first served event.  We need to know Tuesday who  is attending so spaces can be reserved.  After Tuesday there will be no additions to the list.


Feel free to contact Michael Gruver  (336-831-5359) with any questions or concerns.

   Discussion: 2016 Merit Badge College
Tim Lasley · 9 years ago
Special thanks to all the Leaders that made the Wilson Creek trip go so well. The logistics of Scouts being transported both Friday and Saturday was a challenge. Troop 919 Adults stepped up to the Challenge. Thanks to Mac for hiking in early to secure the site. Thanks to Mr n Mrs McCarthy for the use of the van. Thanks to Mike and Jamie for coming up Sat morning Early. Thanks to Sam and Jonah for providing leadership. The scenery was beautiful

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