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Troop 919 Troop 919

News for the week of 2/22/16 News for the week of 2/22/16

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News for the week of 2/22/16

Posted on Wed, Feb 24, 2016

Scouts and Parents,

 Good Morning.  Hope everyone is staying dry today. Last nights meeting was a lesson in trail safety, trail etiquette and weight distribution while backpacking.  This is all in preperation for March's campout to South Mountain.  Unfortunatly we were unable to get the campsite reserved at Bear Island so we had to change plans.  Next week the boys are going to work on meal planning (look for a  food list to come home) for the trip.  The goal is to bring in the food they plan to eat on the campout and cook it at the hut on March 8th.  This will help them with their cooking skills, show them some different options as well as feed them.  They will make thier final meal plan decisions after this meeting.

 March 15th will be a "shakedown" for the campout.  Please have your scout bring a packed backpack with the items they plan to take along on the trip.  Older scouts will inspect and advise on any missing essentials.

March 19th and 20th- Campout art South Mountain State Park.  We plan to leave the Hut at 8am on Saturday and return Sunday after noon.

March 22nd is a Court of Honor- Brookstown Methodist Church.  Please bring a snack, drink or dessert.

It is recharter time.  $24 to recharter for the year, if you havent already done so please bring the money next week.  We have to turn in tho Old Hickory Council soon.  If your son is not rechartered he will no longer be included in the Scout Program according to the OHC.


Camp Cards are coming soon.  This is a opportunity for your son to earn $2.50 per card sold to help offset the cost of summer camp this year.  Camp will cost close to $300 this year and the money for scholarship's is quite limited due to the moderate cut in contributions from the United Way. The Troop funds are limited as well due to lack of participation in popcorn sales. More information to come on camp cards. 


Have a great week.  See you at the Hut!





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