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Troop 919 Troop 919

Snow, Snow everywhere! Snow, Snow everywhere!

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Snow, Snow everywhere!

Posted on Tue, Jan 19, 2016

Hopefully everyone has enjoyed the snow and time off from school.  Please keep in mind that the Scouts follow the schools so if there is no school tomorrow then Scouts will be cancelled as well.  If your son has had enough of the snow please encourage him  to open his handbook and work on rank advancements.  Merit badges are a good goal too.


 It is my challenge to them that each boy completes one merit badge a month this year.  Not too much to ask, they can go to to look through a long list of Merit Badges that are avilable and pick and print the one that they want to work on.  Please encourage this, we all need to help keep the boys motivated.


There  potentially will be a Troop PLC on Tuesday January 26th at 6:30 (weather permitting).  Patrol leader, APL and Quarter Master need to be there.  All others are welcome to attend.  

  There is no camping in the month of February due to 2 seperate Scout weekends for handing out "Scouting for Food" door hangers  (February 6th) as well as collecting the food the following weekend (February 13th).  February is also the start of The Old Hickory Council Ski Weekend at Winterplace.  Please let me know if your Scout or your entire family is interested.  Skiing is $55, Snow Boarding is $95 and snow tubing is $45.  This is a one day trip with a roughly 6am departure and a roughly 6pm return if there are enough boys who want to go as a group.  Families are welcome to go at the discounted rate- See Mr. Holder for information.




  March will see us heading to Bear Island.


Check Out "Klondike Derby" pictures under pictures tab on main login in page


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