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Troop 919 Troop 919

No Snow Means we MIGHT get to have a Meeting?????? No Snow Means we MIGHT get to have a Meeting??????

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No Snow Means we MIGHT get to have a Meeting??????

Posted on Sun, Jan 31, 2016

With no winter weather in the forecast for this week we will  have the troop PLC and regular meeting.


Upcoming events:


February 2nd Troop PLC 6:30 PM


February 2nd Troop Meeting 7:30 PM


February 6th 10:00 AM Scouting for food  we will be going door to door placing door hanger that will give instructions for donation of food.


February 7th Scout Sunday at Brookstown UMC 10:30 AM


February 13th Scouting for food. Food pick-up day.


February 14th Ski Winterplace.


February 21st Scout Sunday Olivet Moravian  Church 10:30 AM


Remember Bear Island in March!  

   Discussion: No Snow Means we MIGHT get to have a Meeting??????

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