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Notes from Tuesdays Meeting Notes from Tuesdays Meeting

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Notes from Tuesdays Meeting

Posted on Thu, May 21, 2015

May 26th - Menu planning for the Natural Bridge trip-  this will be the first trip that hte Ravens will be responsible for their own meals.  Please make sure your son is at the meeting so he can be involved in menu planning.

June 2nd - Summer Camp Prep - this will be a time for folks to share their knowledge about what is needed and what is not needed for summer camp.  

June 9th -  Last Meeting before summer.  We need all Ravens and parents to be in attendance.  The Ravens are asked to meet at the Vienna Fire Hall (behind Brookstown Church, park in the rear parking lot)  at 7pm for the final leg of their Physical Fitness Requirements.  After the requirements are completeds we will return to the Hut for a Specail Meeting - Parents/ Families are welcome (asked) to attend.

June 13th - Family Fun Day.  Carowinds !!!!!!  Families are swelcome to attend.  We need to get a count of people by June 2nd meeting.  It looks like family members will be able to take advantage of a $33 rate.  We will get a rate for the Scout as soon as we can.  You are encouraged to attend!

Mike Warner is working out the details on getting a swim test together.  The plan is to meet at a local YMCA for the test.  There is a required test a CRK, if you take the test here it puts you ahead when we get to camp.  


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