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Summer Camp 2017 Summer Camp 2017

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Summer Camp 2017

Posted on Tue, Jun 6, 2017

2017 Summer camp

We will meet at the Scout Hut Saturday July 15th at 10:00 AM to prepare gear for our week at Camp Raven Knob.

We depart for camp on Sunday, July 16th at 9:00 a.m. (more info on departure day is listed below) and return to the Scout Hut on Saturday, July 22th around 11:00 a.m., depending on the time we are able to depart Camp Raven Knob. Scouts will call home en route with an updated arrival time 

And don’t forget that we travel in Class A Uniform and that you will need your lunch money available when we stop in Mt. Airy. That means don't pack your lunch money in your foot locker!

A summer camp checklist that may help you in planning your packing is will be available on the website. This list, along with your Scout Handbook, should help you prepare for a fun week at Camp. A map with directions from Winston-Salem to Camp Raven Knob (so your parents/relatives/friends don’t get lost heading to camp on Wednesday night) and a map of Raven Knob (so they’ll know where our campsite is and where to park) is also attached for your convenience. Our campsite is Apache, which is in the “valley”, just past the OA Arena and the nature area. 

Summer camp is one of the many highlights of our Troop year and like all Scouting activities, if we are prepared, we’ll be safe, learn something new and have a great time. 

Departure Sunday 

We will meet at the Scout Hut on Sunday morning (July 16th) to load our personal gear and Troop equipment into the trailer at 9:00. We will be making our usual stop for lunch in Mt. Airy and plan to arrive at Camp Raven Knob at about 12:30 p.m. to be there in plenty of time for camp check-in at 1:00.

When you arrive on Sunday morning, please do not pull up in front of the Scout Hut. Drop your personal gear and park in the West Central Community Center parking lot. We will be loading foot lockers and other personal gear from the WCCC parking lot. 

The check-in procedure for Departure Sunday will include:

  • Drop personal equipment in the WCCC parking lot and park your vehicle along side of the community center not in the drive in front.
  • Check-in at the Scout Hut; pay any outstanding balances; receive tent assignment
  • Review and update emergency contact information
  • Deposit key or combination to your foot locker with Troop leadership
  • Pay for a Troop photo if you desire one ($10)
  • Medical Re-Check: Review BSA Health and Safety form; deposit medications and complete dosage forms. 

Summer Camp at Camp Raven Knob 

Here are a few camp items to consider: 

Personal camp equipment. If you need to remind yourself what personal equipment is needed for camp open the leaders guide.

There is a summer camp checklist attached to this e-mail.

When packing your camp gear, be sure to include sunscreen, water bottle (or camelback), insect repellent, pillow, camp (lawn) chair, hiking staff, hat, daypack (book bag  or fanny pack so you can always have your water bottle and rain gear with you), extra shoes (some Scouts bring their hiking boots and a pair of athletic shoes), a flashlight with new batteries (don’t forget to include extra batteries and a spare bulb) and your favorite board game or reading material. Wool socks and liners for each day will help protect your feet.  

As a reminder, no open toed or open heeled shoes (sandals, flip flops) are allowed in camp, except in the shower. 

A Scout should always have his 10 essentials. Check your Scout book if you need a reminder. 

You’re welcome to bring your pocket knife and totem chip to camp, but leave any sheathed knives at home. They are not allowed in camp. Same goes for electronics, skateboards, rollerblades, etc. Handheld electronic games, IPods, MP3 players, cell phones, CD players, DVD players, etc. are allowed in camp. DO NOT bring items of value with you to camp. Feel welcome to bring a musical instrument like a guitar or harmonica. 

It’s usually pretty hot when we are at camp, so you won’t need that cold weather sleeping bag. Many Scouts bring sheets and a blanket for their bunk. A summer weight sleeping bag works as well. 

Another good idea is a mesh laundry bag. It’s about the best way to store your sweaty and wet dirty clothes. You can send you laundry home with your parents on Wednesday night, too. A mesh bag will help cut down on that sweaty gym smell in your tent! 

Our campsite is along a creek and it’s the only chance some Scouts have to go near a creek, or to even play in a creek. A Scout must bring closed toed water shoes if he even thinks he’ll venture into the creek. No closed toed water shoes – no creek. These water shoes can be water shoes, athletic shoes, Crocs or other closed toed shoes that can get wet and soaked; they cannot be the shoes a Scout plans to wear during camp or his backup shoes. 

Personal snacks. Scouts may bring a small personal cooler or sealable container with personal snacks, however, please leave those sugar filled snacks at home. Remember, ABSOLUTELY NO food in tents! Remember to label you cooler or container. If you choose not to bring any snacks, don’t plan to borrow snacks from other Scouts! 

Scout uniform. Scouts will be wearing their Class A uniform to dinner meals and to campfires. A Class A uniform is the Scout shirt, pants/shorts and socks. Scouts will wear Class B (Scout t-shirt) during the day and at other times. We suggest bring two Class A uniform shirts if you have them and a hanger to hang your uniform shirt on during the day. A second Class A shirt is not a requirement, but will be nice to have if your Class A shirt is sweaty and stinky by the end of the week. We wear our Class A uniform to dinner. If you are in the OA, don’t forget your sash for Tuesday night’s Brotherhood Ceremony and Wednesday’s campfire. 

Troop 919 Scouts will be receiving a Troop t-shirt and a Camp Raven Knob t-shirt while at camp. The Trading Post usually has Class B shirts for sale at a reasonable price if you want/need additional shirts. Most Scouts try to have about seven Scout related t-shirts with them at camp. 

Merit Badge Classes. All Scouts will be taking Merit Badge classes at camp and should purchase the merit badge pamphlet for their session at the Wachovia Scouting Service Center on Silas Creek Parkway prior to camp. The Trading Post may have a limited supply of merit badge pamphlets. 

Scouts taking Trail to Eagle classes must download and print their Merit badge workbook from at and bring it with them to camp. These workbooks are necessary for the class and typically not available at camp.

Scouts will also need to bring the needed supplies for their merit badge classes, such as paper and pencil, masking tape, etc. Check the requirements for your session and plan accordingly. 

Scouts taking other merit badge classes are also responsible to taking any necessary equipment (tent, backpack, fishing pole, etc.) with them to camp. Scouts taking camping merit badge may use a Troop tent; it is their responsibility to ask for permission to use Troop equipment and load this equipment into the trailer the morning of departure and return it to its storage location when we return. 

You should also review the summer camp guide and complete any merit badge requirements prior to camp that should be completed prior to camp. 

How much money should I take with me to camp? This is a personal decision; remember you are responsible for keeping up with and managing your own money. Most Scouts bring between $5 and $10 per day with them to camp. This should be plenty to pay for any handicraft purchases, snacks and other purchases you want to make at the Trading Post. If you need to pay any merit badge session fees, don’t forget the money for that as well. You can always hit your family banker up for some additional funds on Wednesday night if you haven’t budgeted very well. 

Contact with Scouts at Camp. If you need to reach your Scout in an emergency situation while we are at camp, the best bet is to call the Camp Raven Knob administrative office at (336) 352-4307.

Scouts love mail from home while at camp. Scouts may receive snail mail and e-mail at camp. Address your letters to:  

Camp Raven Knob
Attn: Scout Name - (Pack/Troop/Crew ###) (Council Name)
266 Raven Knob Road
Mount Airy, NC 27030

E-mail can be  E-mail messages will be printed and delivered to the Troop each day at lunch. A word to the wise: others will be able to view anything you put in an e-mail, so don’t get too personal! 

There is a pay phone at the admin building and some Scouts will want to call home at some point during the week. Don’t expect your Scout to call home every day. He’s going to be busy and the phone is a long  distance (about a mile hike) from our campsite! Many Scouts call home prior to Wednesday to request additional clothes, socks, etc. or to make sure their favorite food item will be arriving on Wednesday. Many Scouts bring a phone card or call home collect. Cell phones are not permitted in camp, except for adult leadership. Many Scouts have a personal cell phone…leave those at home.  

Lock for your foot locker. All Scouts must have a foot locker and a lock. The lock can be a key lock or a combination lock. All Scouts are required to place an extra key or the combination in a Ziploc bag and give it to the Scoutmaster before leaving for camp. If you still need a locker, check Wal-Mart or Target. Make sure your name is on the outside of your locker. The foot locker must be of the size to fit under your bunk. 

Put your name on everything! Put your name on all clothing and equipment. It’s amazing how everything starts to look alike after a couple of days. 

Prescription medications. If a Scout will be taking prescription medicine while at camp, he is required to bring his medication in the original container inside a Ziploc bag with his name on it and detailed dosage instructions printed on an index card and included in the bag. All prescription medications will be kept locked in container for safe keeping and will be dispensed before and after meals. Medications requiring refrigeration will be stored in the health lodge and will be dispensed by the medical staff before and after meals. Some medications will be dispensed ONLY at the health lodge.  

Camp Departure. We will meet at the Scout hut at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 16th Class A uniform and plan to depart for camp by 10:30 a.m. We will make our traditional stop in Mt. Airy) for lunch so we can be at CRK by 12:30ish for the 1:00 p.m. check in. Each Scout should bring about $12 for lunch (above his budget for camp). 

Returning from camp. We should be leaving camp by 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 22rd, which will put us back at the Scout Hut around 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. We’ll have just a bit of Troop equipment to unload and stow away before heading home.





Wednesday Night Pot-Luck Picnic and Campfire  

The Wednesday Night Family Pot-Luck Picnic and Campfire is July 19. We’ve talked about this one in Troop meetings, in e-mails and in our introductory meeting the Raven Scout parents.  

Our Wednesday night family picnic and campfire is important for many reasons. We welcome the delicious home-cooked sides or desserts you bring us. We will be joining Troop 450 to provide hotdogs and hamburgers and the fixings. We’re happy to see our families and friends and we like to show off our camp and the Scouts like to show moms, dads, brothers, sisters and friends what they’ve been doing at camp. We will have a large crowd in our campsite and will probably begin to eat around 6:00 p.m. 

Families should bring their Scouts’ favorite food and drink. Bring enough to feed your family and a few others. We usually have several camp visitors with us on Wednesday night! 

We camp at the Apache campsite. To find us, continue past the administration building and follow the road down the hill. At the log cabin, turns left and continue on Valley Road. The Trading Post will be on your right and Lake Sabota and the aquatics area will be on your left; the OA Arena is next on your right. Continue on this road past the nature lodge and our campsite will be on the left. We’re about a half mile from the Trading Post, give or take a few hundred steps!  

The best suggestion is to arrive early, drive to our campsite and drop off your food and stuff and then park your vehicle near the administration building or trading post. 

· A map to Raven Knob can be downloaded from the camp’s website here

 Troop 919 is camping in the Apache campsite near the nature area. 

The Wednesday night campfire is a special time during of week of camp and all friends and families are invited to attend the campfire with the Troop. The campfire is led by members of the Order of the Arrow, which is Scouting’s camping Honor Society. Some of our Troop 919 Scouts were selected by their fellow Scouts to be “tapped” into the OA; the names of these Scouts will be revealed by the Order of the Arrow at the Wednesday night campfire.  

We’re at camp during the 5th week when the OA honors members with its prestigious Vigil Honor. This OA ceremony is very meaningful to Scouts and Scouters alike and many Scouts and Scouters return to Camp Raven Knob each year for this special night. We hope you will include the Vigil honor ceremony in your plans for Wednesday night. 

The Wednesday night campfire will be held in the OA Arena 

The most important reason to attend on Wednesday evening, however, is that Scouts looks forward to your visit. You can only imagine the disappointment a Scout feels if he is the only Scout who doesn’t have somebody to share the evening with. If your Scout is not going to have any visitors on Wednesday night, please discuss this with me privately prior to camp. You can e-mail me or call my cell phone (918-2858) prior to our Troop leaving for camp. 

With many people enjoying dinner in our campsite it takes a while for everyone to be served and the area cleaned up prior to the campfire. We’ll plan to eat at 6:00 p.m. If you can leave Winston-Salem early, please do so. It takes about an hour to drive to camp from Winston-Salem. 

What should you bring? This will be the one night he’s sure to get his favorite food and drink this week, so make it memorable. Plan to bring enough food to feed your family and a few others. With this rule-of-thumb we always have enough food and everyone gets to try something different! Don’t plan to leave any remaining food in camp; we don’t have any place to store food and don’t want to attract any unwanted four legged guests. 

Please feel free to bring a lawn chair and wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes. Don’t forget your rain gear. There is a rumor that Camp Raven Knob sometimes gets afternoon rain showers. 

Homesick Scouts. It unusual for a Scout to be homesick while at Raven Knob, but it does happen, especially for first time campers. This may be first time some of our Scouts have been away from home for an extended period of time or the first time he’s slept outdoors for a week and some (very few) Scouts get homesick while at camp. The staff at Camp Raven Knob is super at consoling homesick Scouts and usually after talking with a staff member, a once homesick Scout has forgotten all about home and back into action. 

If a Scout is going to get homesick, it’s when he sees his family on Wednesday night. It has been our experience that if a Scout leaves with his family on Wednesday night or has his parents pick him up before the week is finished, his Scouting career is short lived. There have been a few cases when a parent has had to walk away from a tearful Scout, which is tougher on the parent than the Scout.  

If your Scout seems a bit homesick when you see him on Wednesday night and you insist that he stay in camp, he’ll be a stronger young man and will be standing taller when he arrives home. He will have lived that true mountaintop experience. 

I don’t expect homesickness to be a problem for any of our Scouts, but ask that families be prepared for the possibility and have made a plan that your Scout stays in camp. Please call me if you believe we should discuss this potential. 

We look forward to a great week at summer camp!



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