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Troop 919 Troop 919

Summer is almost over, time to get back to the Hut! Summer is almost over, time to get back to the Hut!

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Summer is almost over, time to get back to the Hut!

Posted on Fri, Aug 7, 2015

Hey Parents!

 We hope everyone is having a great summer.  Summer camp was a great time at Camp Raven Knob. We enjoyed seeing everyone at Family night on Wednesday.  Thanks for bringing all the great food to share, everything was great.

 I hope everyone took something valuable away from the experience.  For any family that did not make it to Camp - NO WORRIES.  We look forward to seeing you and your son at the Hut soon. There will plenty of opportunities for other trips to CRK, the important thing is that you keep you son involved in the Scouting program.  We don't want to lose anyone, actually we want to grow.  The more boys we have the more fun events become.  Please invite anyone you know that might be interested to come up and check out whats going on at 919.

 As we enter the last few weeks of summer vacation (BOOOO) I wanted to send out some information about upcoming events for the Troop:


8/18 - First Tuesday meeting at the Hut  (regular meeting)

8/25 Cookout - Court of Honor (Brookstown Church)

8/28 - 8/30 Camping Trip  (still in planning stages - somewhere local,  Hanging Rock possibly)


We look forward to seeing everyone soon.  Have a great rest of your summer.


 -----  919 Leadership



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