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Troop 6-08-2015 Notes Troop 6-08-2015 Notes

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Troop 6-08-2015 Notes

Posted on Mon, Jun 8, 2015

Troop News

Troop Meeting : 7:30 PM

Tenderfoot Requirements/Summer Camp Preparation

Raven Patrol: Please come prepared to complete you physical fitness requirements for Tenderfoot. We will do those test at the beginning of the meeting.

Philmont Crew :  The Crew will be conducting a pack shake-down. Bring your pack and all the equipment that you plan to take on the trail to Philmont. Bring a pen and paper to write down the things you need.

Troop Meeting : 7:30 PM Remember to arrive  early to put tents up used this past weekend.

Troop Fun Day:  June 13th  All money for family members going to Carowinds needs to be turn –in Tuesday’s night. If a family member decides to go after this deadline they will be responsible for their own ticket. This event is open to all family members; we will extend our discount rate of $34 to each person. This money will need to be collected no later than June 9th.

Annual Health Form:   All troop members must have a current health form. Adults and Youth Please call and set-up your annual physical and have your health form completed. We are required to keep the form on file for all troop members.

Summer Camp:  It is very important that everyone is paid-up for summer camp. Please talk with Mr. Holder if you have questions or concerns. The remaining balance is due. The cost for camp this year will be $275 and any fees associated with the merit badges. The camp guide will be attached to the calendar entry on the website.


   Discussion: Troop 6-08-2015 Notes
Tim Lasley · 10 years ago
Thanks to Dave Jacobius and the Leaderss of the Philmont Crew. Shakedown #1 went well... Lots of learning and aquasitions before the Shining rock trip..

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