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Troop News 3/13/16 Troop News 3/13/16

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Troop News 3/13/16

Posted on Mon, Mar 21, 2016

Troop PLC 6:30 PM All troop and patrol are required to attend the PLC. This meeting is very important to the success of our Troop and the program.

Troop Meeting 7:30 PM

Program: Backpack shake down. Everyone is to bring a backpack ready to go on a trip. The senior patrol leader has asked everyone to bring your backpack even if you do not plan on attending this week

Re-charter: If you have not turned in your money for re-charter please bring you money this week.

OA Conclave: Please sign-up on line at the Wahissa website to attend this year’s Conclave that will be held at Camp Boddie near the coast. The cost is $45 and includes a patch, shirt and all the food for the weekend. Transportation will be provided by the Chapter. Dates April 15th -17th


Upcoming events:

March 15th Troop PLC 6:30PM

March 19th -20th Troop Backpacking trip to South Mountain state park.

March 22nd Troop Court of Honor Brookstown UMC.

March 22nd Troop Committee meeting

April 12th  OA elections

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