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Troop News 9-27-16 Troop News 9-27-16

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Troop News 9-27-16

Posted on Tue, Sep 27, 2016

Sell! Sell! Sell! Popcorn Please continue to sell popcorn and turn your totals into Mr. Essex each week. Troop Committee 7:00 PM Troop Meeting 7:30 PM

September 30 – October 2: Stone Mountain backpacking trip. If you are going on the trip this weekend you will need to bring your backpack to the meeting for a shakedown.

We will meet at the scout hut at 5:15 PM and plan on leaving at 5:30 PM Friday and return Sunday around noon. Please be on time, we need to arrive at the park before the gate locks. We will not be stopping for to eat, please eat before you arrive or bring something to eat at the campsite after the hike in

October 28 – October 30: Caving trip. We will be going to Worley’s Cave in Tennessee. This will be a guided trek into the cave provided by a Outfitter. We will camp Friday night and travel to the cave on Saturday. Please sign-up so you will not miss this exciting trip

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