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Tuesday August 25th at 6:30 --- Cookout and COH Tuesday August 25th at 6:30 --- Cookout and COH

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Tuesday August 25th at 6:30 --- Cookout and COH

Posted on Sun, Aug 23, 2015


 Hopefully your son has told you the big news!  If not,  Troop 919 is having a Cookout.  It will be held this Tuesday, August 25 at 6:30 PM to kick off the start of another great year of Scouting!!.  We invite all Scouts and their families to attend.  It is going to be held at the Brookstown United Methodist Church picnic shelter.

 We ask each Scout to bring at least one large side to share and a desert big enough to share.  Your old favorite might just be someone elses new favorite!  Be prepared to share recipes!   After the Cookout we will have the first Court of Honor Ceremony of the year.  Please make sure your Raven has his complete Class "A" uniform on including the sash.  

 It is going to be a good time and we hope to see all of you there with your families!

 Dont forget that we are a troop Camping Trip August 29th-30th.  We are planning to go to Hanging Rock for a relaxing weekend to recover from the first week of school.  I think most of the Ravens signed up to go, please check with your son.  Drop me an email and let me know that he is going  with us for sure so we can make plans to purchase enough supplies.  I will get the specific drop off/pick up plan from Mr. Warner and pass it along as soon as I know.  My assumption would be early Saturday drop off and noon pick up Sunday- I will let you know for sure.


Thanks for a great year last year and we look forward to another one.

 ----Your Troop 919 Leadership






   Discussion: Tuesday August 25th at 6:30 --- Cookout and COH

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