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Tuesday June 2nd meeting notes Tuesday June 2nd meeting notes

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Tuesday June 2nd meeting notes

Posted on Tue, Jun 2, 2015


Tuesday June 9th - Last meeting of the summer before Summer Camp.  Ravens need to meet at the Fire Station at 7pm to complete Physical Fitness tests.  Please bring your child to the Fire Station at 7.  We will be returning to the Hut at 7:30.  Parents are welcome to hang out at the Fire Sation for the Physical Fitness and return to the Hut at 7:30.  Parents are asked to be at the Hut at 7:30 to attent the meeting.


Saturday June 13th -  Family Fun Day at Carowinds.  Scouts are paid for by the Troop, Parents and other family members are welcome at a cost of $34.  Family members tickets are $34 each, Due June 9th.


Annual Health Forms A,B and C - All boys as well as leaders need to get up to date health forms turned in.  We must all turn in all 3 parts (A,B and C), Part C requires a doctor to sign off.  This is a requirement and has to be turned in June 9th.


Summer Camp Money was due tonight!  If you have not paid your complete registration fee ($275) you MUST do so this coming Tuesday.


Recommended packing list for summer camp:

Remember it will be hot during camp! 

Complete Scout uniform,  T-shirts,  shorts or long pants,  swim trunks,  underwear,  socks, Footwear for Boating,  hat if desired,  sweater or jacket, extra shoes or boots,  poncho or rain gear, notebook and pencil or pen,  Scout Handbook, merit badge pamphlets,  watch (very important),  washcloth and towel,  toiletry items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. No glass bottles), flashlight with new batteries, spare batteries for flash light,  sleeping bag or sheets & blankets, alarm clock (optional), disc golf disc (optional),  pocketknife,  footlocker or suitcase or backpack,  laundry bag, hand sanitizer.

This is a recommended list, you should use this as a guide.  Feel free to add to this but keep in mind that there is limited space in the tent as well as critters.  If you pack snacks/drinks please put them in a sealed cooler/container.

Scouts leave for Summer camp on Sunday July 19th.  Family day is Wednesday the 22nd.  Consider sending clothes/snacks Sunday and packing a "refresher" to bring to your Scout on Wednesday.  This would include clean clothes, sheets, extra food, etc)

   Discussion: Tuesday June 2nd meeting notes

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