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Campout This Friday!!!! Get Ready! We need your help Campout This Friday!!!! Get Ready! We need your help

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Campout This Friday!!!! Get Ready! We need your help

Posted on Fri, Nov 13, 2015


This Friday- 5:30 drop off

November  20th-22thWilderness camping trip to Raven Knob. We will meet at the Scout hut at 5:30 PM Friday.  Please eat or bring something for supper we will not be stopping on the way to Camp Raven Knob. We will return Sunday around noon.

 Parents - we need you to help out your Scout.  

The forecast for this weekend has lows in the mid 30's.  We had some definate issues with lack of cold weather clothing on our last campout.  Your boys need to bring WARM clothes.  Layering is important.  Extra pairs of LONG Pants will be essential.  It looks like there will be rain leading up to Friday so camp will be wet.  Hiking through wet areas in camp can and will soak in.  Extra SOCKS will be important as well. Wet cold socks in 30 degree weather equals hypothermia.

 Make sure your sons sleeping bag is rated for cold weather.  Several of the sleeping bags that were brought out on the Cub trip were 60 degree rated - thats spring weather!  Sleeping mats that go under the sleeping bags are important as well.  This will help keep the boys insulated from the ground as well as helping to stop condensation from warm sleeping bags on the cold ground.

 Wool blend socks, tobogans, gloves, warm coats, just a few suggestions.  Cups, utensils.

Talk to your son about food choices - Warm is good.... We taught them about freezer bag cooking options.   Ask them about it...  They will have to develop a meal plan this Tuesday, with some thought ahead of time it will go alot smoother.  We will need a shopper, let your son know if you are interested in being that person for the Ravens this month.


We are boy led, but they are still learning.  Please work with your son and help them prepare for this weekend.  Good preperation can make or break a campout, lets make this one successful.


Please bring a steel rake and a pair of gloves if you have them, We will be building survival shelters.


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